Law Enforcement Today: It's about time: Public support shifts from defund police to pro-police policies nationwide
Originally written by Craig Floyd, founding CEO of Citizens Behind the Badge, for the Dailey Signal. Republished with permission.
If there was any doubt left, last [year's] elections sealed the deal. The nationwide experiment labeled “Defund the Police” was an abject failure. Our citizens made it clear that they are sick and tired of politicians who prefer coddling criminals to supporting our police. Sadly, though, it will take years to recover from the disastrous consequences of this movement that decimated and demoralized our nation’s police forces, ignited more crime, and cost thousands of innocent lives.
The election results last month were a knockout blow to the “defund” movement. Kamala Harris was one of the movement’s earliest and strongest supporters. She wanted to “reimagine” policing. In June of 2020, she said, “For too long, the status quo thinking has been: You get more safety by putting more cops on the street—well that’s wrong.” Continue Reading on Law Enforcement Today