Kamala Harris' Poor Record on Crime - Newsmax Interview with Craig Floyd

Tough on crime? Breaking down Kamala Harris' abysmal record on crime. Harris claims to have been tough on crime as a District Attorney in San Francisco but her actions have proven otherwise...

Aug 17th, 2024 - Interview with Citizens Behind the Badge founder and President, Craig Floyd and Las Vegas Metropolitan PD Lt. Randy Sutton (Ret.) on Newsmax's 'America Right Now with Tom Basile'. The discussion includes Kamala Harris' soft stance on crime and lack of support for America's Law Enforcement Officers. More troubling signs that the "defund and defame the police" movement still has plenty of steam and could take a turn for the worse if Harris takes office in 2025.

The full Newsmax 'America Right Now' segment can be watched here: http://bit.ly/4dVRSup


"Heroes Live Forever" - the story of U.S. Capitol Police Sgt. Christopher Eney


"Heroes Live Forever"--the story of Fairfax County (VA) Sheriff's Sgt. Frederick "Butch" Cameron