Editorial in Law Enforcement Today agrees with CBB founder Craig Floyd that the "defund the police" movement was a failure.

Election of Trump, defeat of progressive DAs proves defund the police movement was a failure. by: Pat Droney 2024-12-31, Source: Law Enforcement Today

In the wake of George Floyd’s overdose death blamed on a Minneapolis police officer in 2020, cities across the country, in an effort to placate Black Lives Matter and its followers, engaged in the ill-advised policy of defunding the police. As the November election showed, that policy has been rejected–and loudly–by a majority of voters. 

In a piece published in The Daily Signal, Craig Floyd, the founding CEO of Citizens Behind the Badge, calls the movement “an abject failure.” 

Read the full article here: https://lawenforcementtoday.com/election-of-trump-defeat-of-progressive-das-proves-defund-the-police-movement-was-a-failure


CBB Founder and CEO, Craig Floyd featured in Hangar Z Podcast interview from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in DC


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